Below is an alphabetical listing of Clark University’s general employment policies and guidelines.
This list does not comprise all of Clark’s policies and guidelines. Please review the University Policies webpage for additional policies.
If you have a question about a policy or procedure not listed, please contact a staff member in Human Resources at hr@360study.net or 1-508-793-7294.
Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality from External Parties Guidelines
Clark University is committed to the utmost integrity in fulfilling its mission and thereby requires the same level of integrity from its employees. The acceptance of Gifts or Hospitality or other benefits may improperly influence an employee in their discharge of official duties or create the perception that the employee is receiving personal gain by virtue of their position at the University. These guidelines provide Clark’s expectation on employees accepting Gifts and Hospitality from external sources. Departments and units may impose more stringent procedures, as they deem appropriate and necessary, to preserve the University’s integrity.
View Full PolicyAnimals on Campus Policy
This policy extends to all Clark University members, including undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, and administrators:
- All dogs must be on leashes at all times when on Clark University property.
- Dog waste must be cleaned up by the person with the dog at the time.
- No animals will be allowed in University buildings at any time. The only exception will be seeing-eye dogs and hearing-assist dogs.
Violations of any of the above policies will result in a fine of $50 for the first offense; the fine will jump to $100 for a subsequent offense. Persistent problems may be dealt with judicially for students or through appropriate means for non-students.
Background Check Policy and Guidelines
To ensure the safety of the Clark community, Clark must conduct background checks on individuals seeking employment at Clark and, under certain circumstances, current employees, students, independent contractors, and volunteers (i.e. individuals not being paid for services).
View Full PolicyClark University Protests and Demonstrations Policy
The right to freedom of expression at Clark includes the right to acts of peaceful dissent, nonviolent protests, and orderly demonstrations including picketing and the distribution of leaflets. This document outlines the University policies that govern such expression.
View Full PolicyClark University Statement of Freedom of Expression and Community Values
This statement of principles articulates Clark University’s commitments and ideals relating to freedom of expression and academic freedom, respect for each other within our campus community, and freedom from harassment and intimidation.
View Full PolicyChosen Name Policy
This policy covers active students, faculty and staff. The University recognizes that some community members wish to use a name other than a legal FIRST name to identify themselves. The University refers to this as a chosen name. As long as the use of this chosen name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation or an attempt to avoid a legal obligation, or otherwise prohibited by law, the University will display a chosen name in place of your legal FIRST name whenever possible. The University is working towards a consistent name experience across University systems and the use of chosen name everywhere, except when legal name is necessary or when there are technological limitation.
View Full PolicyConflict of Interest Policy Statement
The Clark University Conflict of Interest Policy Statement covers all members of the Board of Trustees, all officers and “key employees” of the University, and is also intended to provide a framework for all faculty, employees, and volunteers in their service to the University.
All trustees, officers, and key employees have a fiduciary duty to the University, and are expected to act at all times in a manner consistent with this duty, and to ensure that none of their actions on behalf of Clark adversely impacts the University because of other business or personal interests of that person. All such covered persons are expected to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws pertaining to Clark activities; to conduct themselves with integrity and high ethical standards; and to avoid any conflict or appearance of a conflict between their own interests and those of the University.
View Full PolicyConsenting Relationships Policy
Consensual romantic and sexual relationships between staff and students or between supervisors and staff members are strongly discouraged, and cause special concerns with respect to the existence or appearance of exploitation, abuse of position, or favoritism. All employees should understand that there are substantial risks in even an apparently consenting relationship where a power/authority difference exists. These relationships can and often do lead to charges of sexual harassment, or violation of our nepotism policy. Administrators and supervisors, who by virtue of their level of responsibility and authority, bear a special burden of accountability. The University reserves the right to make employment changes if romantic relationships develop between employees and/or students that appear problematic.
View Full PolicyDrug-Free Workplace Policy
An accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Clark University prohibits the unlawful cultivation, manufacturing, dispensing, distribution, possession, use or sale of illicit drugs (including marijuana) and the abuse of alcohol in the workplace.
Please also note that both the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act explicitly exclude illegal drug use from being protected as a reasonable accommodation. In addition, the appendix to M.G.L. c. 94C (Humanitarian Medical Use of Medical Marijuana), specifically states that nothing in that law requires the violation of federal law or purports to give immunity under federal law. In summary, marijuana is still prohibited under federal law regardless of legal changes with respect to marijuana possession and usage in Massachusetts.
As a condition of employment, each faculty and staff member must abide by this policy. Violation of this policy may result in a variety of sanctions up to and including discharge from the University.
The University provides a drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation program through its Employee’s Assistance Program (EAP). This program is available to all faculty and staff and their families. Additional information on this resource is available in the Office of Human Resources.
As part of the Drug-Free Workplace Act requirements, if a faculty or staff member is convicted of any criminal drug statute violation in the workplace, he/she must report this conviction to the Office of Human Resources within five (5) days following conviction.
The consequences associated with the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of alcohol range from adverse impact on social, vocational, and educational functioning to illness, injury, and premature death. Abusers are more likely to experience problems in their relationships and typically cause harm to those closest to them — family, friends and colleagues. Health risks vary considerably depending on the nature of the abused substance but all drugs pose serious health risks. Some, such as cocaine, can cause serious harm even on first use.
In Massachusetts, the penalties for the use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs range from fines and probation to mandatory jail sentences. Varieties of federal laws exist on the possession, use, sale, and manufacture of illegal drugs. As with state law, the federal sanctions may result in fines or imprisonment. The use or possession of alcohol by minors, those under 21, is illegal in Massachusetts.
International students and visitors at Clark risk loss of the right to remain in the United States if convicted. Family or staff in sensitive positions would risk loss of their security clearance.
A detailed description of the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as a summary of local, state, and federal sanctions covering such abuse, are included with this document.
The Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses can significantly impair the judgment and coordination required driving a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate doses of alcohol can also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse. Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairment in higher mental functions, severely altering a person’s ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause illness, depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described.
Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver.
Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater of becoming alcoholics.
An array of services is available to assist persons who may be concerned about his or her use of drugs or alcohol. Most of these services will assist faculty, staff, and family members whose concern is for a loved one or a colleague.
The services range from self-help groups (AA, NA, AL-ANON) to professional counseling. Arrangements can be made for consultants, interventions, detoxification, and aftercare.
From time to time, Clark will also introduce to the community other education programs about drug and alcohol abuse and provide training in identifying and addressing the problems of drug and alcohol abuse.
Timely assistance is important for those who may be abusing drugs or alcohol.Clark urges anyone who needs assistance to seek it. Alcohol and drug abuse services are private and confidential. Delaying necessary help is invariably harmful and makes success in rehabilitation more difficult.
Clark University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is managed by an off campus agency, E4Health. The staff at E4Health can provide both assessment and referral services to faculty and staff (as well as family members) who self-refer for treatment or advice on drug and alcohol abuse. In addition, they can provide information and education of the types and effects of drugs, symptoms of drug or alcohol use as well as related treatment, rehabilitation and confidentiality issues.
You may access this confidential service by calling the following number and identifying yourself as a member of Clark University’s faculty or staff (or a family member): 1-800-828-6025, or by visiting the website at: http://hello4health.org/ Username: Clark University Password: Guest
Self-Help Groups
Narcotics Anonymous (NA, 508- 756-2284): Twelve-step, self-help group that assists those attempting to recover from the abuse of drugs (not confined to narcotic drugs). Meetings are available in more area towns.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA, 508-752-9000): Twelve–step, self-help group that assists those attempting to recover from alcoholism. Meetings are generally available on campus and in area towns.
AL-ANON (508-791-3431): Twelve-step, self-help group that assists those who are in a relationship with an alcoholic person. The relationship may be ongoing or from the past. Typically attended by persons whose parents or spouse are alcoholic. Meetings are available in most area towns.
AdCare Hospital of Worcester, 107 Lincoln Street, (508-799-9000) For specific information of the wide array of substance abuse recovery services offered by AdCare please refer to:
Summary of Legal sanctions Covering Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Local, state, and federal laws make illegal use of drugs and alcohol serious crimes. Conviction can lead to imprisonment, fines and assigned community service. Courts do not lift imprisonment sentences in order for convicted persons to attend college or continue their jobs. A felony conviction for such an offense can prevent you from entering many fields of employment or professions.
Cities and towns in Massachusetts prohibit public consumption of alcohol and impose fines for violation. The Metropolitan District Commission also prohibits public consumption of alcohol in its parks.
Massachusetts’s laws prohibit sale or delivery of alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 with a fine of up to $2,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year or both. Misrepresenting one’s age or falsifying an identification to obtain alcoholic beverages is punishable by a fine of $300, and conviction of driving under the influence of alcohol has a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 2 ½ years, or both.
Massachusetts has criminal penalties for use of controlled substances, or drugs, with penalties varying with the type of drug. In general, narcotic, addictive drugs with a high potential for abuse have heavier penalties.
Possession of drugs is illegal without valid authorization. While penalties for possession are generally not as great as for manufacture and distribution of drugs, possession of a relatively large quantity may be considered distribution. Under both state and federal laws, penalties for possession, manufacture and distribution are much greater for second and subsequent convictions. Many laws dictate mandatory prison terms and the full minimum term must be served.
Massachusetts makes it illegal to be in a place where heroin is kept and to be “in company” of a person known to possess heroin. Anyone in the presence of heroin at a private party or dormitory suite risks a serious drug conviction. Sale and possession of “drug paraphernalia” is illegal in Massachusetts.
Persons convicted of drug possession under state or federal law are ineligible for federal student grants and loans for up to one year after the first conviction, five years after the second. The penalty for distributing drugs is loss of benefits for five years after the first, 10 years after the second, permanently after the third conviction.
Under federal law, distribution of drugs to persons under age 21 is punishable by twice the normal penalty with a mandatory one-year in prison; a third conviction is punishable by mandatory life imprisonment. These penalties apply to distribution of drugs in or within 1,000 feet of a college or school. Federal law sets greatly heightened prison sentences for manufacture and distribution of drugs, if death or serious injury results from use of the substance.
Emotional Support Animal Request – Policy and Procedure
Clark University is committed to reasonably accommodating qualified employees with disabilities who may require the use of an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). Emotional Support Animals can also be identified as therapy or comfort animals, but will be referred to as ESAs in this policy. Clark reserves the right to amend this policy as circumstances require. Emotional Support Animals are not service animals, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). Please review the full policy via the link below (includes definitions, criteria, responsibilities, documentation requirements and how to submit a request for an ESA in a University department, building or office).
View Full PolicyEmployee Birth/Adoption or Condolence Acknowledgement Policy
Clark will acknowledge the birth, adoption and passing of an employee’s immediate family members. Should you be made aware of one of the above-listed events, please contact the Office of Human Resources who will recognize the event by sending the employee an appropriate acknowledgment. The purpose of this policy is to avoid department funds being utilized for this type of occasion. Please also reference the Entertainment and Gift Policy.
View Full PolicyEmployee Indemnification Policy
Clark shall furnish an employee with legal defense through legal counsel selected by the University and with payment of judgments, fines, penalties, settlements and any other expenses actually and reasonably incurred in connection with an actual or threatened civil, criminal, or administrative action, claim, or proceeding (an “Action”) brought against such employee by reason of being an employee of the University or serving at the University’s request as a member of or representative to an entity outside the University.
View Full PolicyEssential Personnel Limited On-Campus Operations Pay Policy
On occasion the University may decide to limit on-campus operations and activities due to conditions that make it harder for faculty and staff to commute to work and deliver in person instruction and services. Events which might require limiting on-campus operations include, but are not limited to:
- Severe weather or natural disaster
- Fire or related hazard
- Immediate threat to the safety of the campus community
Employees identified by their unit as performing essential service to the campus community are required to report to work during any period of declared limited on-campus operation. There may be employees in essential positions where it may be feasible to work remotely during limited on-campus operations. For clarification employees should consult with their supervisors.
View Full PolicyEqual Opportunity Statement
Clark University is firmly committed to the practice of equal employment opportunity, equal educational opportunity, and nondiscrimination in the provision of educational and other services. The University will administer its personnel policies and conduct its employment practices in a manner which treats each employee and applicant for employment on the basis of merit, experience, and other work-related criteria without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected class under relevant state and federal laws.
Procedures have been established that outline our good faith efforts in practicing equal employment opportunity. Clark is committed to undertake steps to ensure that all recruitment, hiring, promotion and other employment and educational practices are free from discrimination.
Equal opportunity is the fabric of all personnel decisions at Clark, and personnel at every level share in the responsibility for promoting equal opportunity.
Faculty Parental Leave Policy
Tenured or tenured-track faculty members, as well as faculty members holding Lectureships as defined in section I.D.2 (b) of the Faculty Handbook, are eligible to apply for a parental leave after one year of continuous full time employment at Clark University.
View Full PolicyFreedom of Expression and Community Values Statement
This statement of principles articulates Clark University’s ideals relating to freedom of expression and academic freedom, respect for each other within our campus community, and freedom from harassment and intimidation.
View Full StatementHarassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy
Clark University reaffirms its commitment to employ a diverse faculty and staff and to a policy of affirmative action directed at increasing the presence of minority group members in the belief that a diverse Clark community is essential to our educational goals.
It is the policy of Clark University that each qualified individual, regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, religion, national origin, age as defined by law, or veteran or disability status, shall have equal opportunity in the education, employment or services of Clark University.
This policy applies to the entire Clark community and is designed to comply with both the spirit and letter of governing state and federal laws. It is expected that faculty, staff, students and others who act on behalf of Clark University will effectuate this policy.
View Full PolicyInclement Weather Policy
As a primarily residential campus with students who continue to need services irrespective of the weather, Clark University rarely closes.
View Full PolicyIndependent Contractor vs. Employee Policy and Training
Under Massachusetts and federal law, the University is required to meet a number of obligations with respect to the treatment of employees, including wage and hour requirements, payroll tax withholding, and provision of workers compensation and unemployment benefits. When the University is contracting with a third-party entity (e.g., managed services provider, temp agency, IT staffing firm) to obtain personnel who are classified by those firms as employees or contractors to perform services. All University departments must comply with this Policy.
View Full Policy and Guidelines Independent Contractor Questionnaire Independent Contractor Services ContractMinors on Campus Policy
With a few updates, this policy now includes Vehicle Requirements, Qualifications of Driver(s) and the use of Swimming Pools for all camp programs. It also now includes several Appendixes referencing standardized forms that should be utilized when engaging with minors for different occasions.
View Full PolicyNepotism Policy
Individuals will not normally be employed by the University or transferred to a department where they will be subject to close supervision by another employee with whom they have a close personal relationship, or by a member of their family or household. Employees are expected to inform the Chief Human Resources Officer of these relationships.
All cases involving the potential hiring or transfer of partners or relatives must be reviewed and approved by the Chief Human Resources Officer.
Permanent Residency Sponsorship Guidelines (Green Card)
The University will sponsor certain positions for permanent residency. If a department is interested in pursuing permanent residency for a faculty or administrator, we request that you initially contact the Office of Human Resources/Affirmative Action. The HR/AA office will confer with the International Student and Scholars Office to determine if the position held by the faculty or administrator is likely to qualify for University sponsorship. If so, the International Student and Scholars Office will begin the permanent residency process and serve as Clark’s liaison to the immigration attorney the University uses for these applications. No other attorneys will be allowed to process permanent residency applications on behalf of the University.
If you have any questions about this policy please contact the International Student and Scholars Office or Human Resources/Affirmative Action.
Personnel Grievance Policy and Procedures
Clark encourages employees and managers to resolve any employment-related disputes on an informal basis. Clark recognizes that not all disputes can be resolved informally and has established the procedures set forth below to deal with some of those issues. No employee will be retaliated against because they sought resolution of a problem through the grievance procedures.
View Full PolicyPhased Retirement for Faculty Guidelines
Summary Plan Description
A. Introduction
The following description is of a phased retirement plan for regular faculty of Clark University. The faculty member will enter into an agreement with the University to retire at a specific date in the future, and to reduce overall workload during the phased period of one semester to three years. The specific terms of an agreement will be arranged between the individual faculty member and the Provost, to the mutual agreement of both parties. It is anticipated that specific agreements for individuals will differ.
B. Establishment of the Plan
This Plan Summary Description sets forth the provisions of the University’s Phased Retirement Plan for faculty, established by Clark University as of September 1991. Funding for this plan is provided from the University’s general operating funds.
C. Eligibility
Participants must be tenured faculty with ten years of service at Clark University who have attained age 59. A year of service is defined as two semesters of full- time employment, including semesters of sabbatical leave and leave for pregnancy, but excluding other leaves of absence.
D. Salary
Clark will continue to track the nominal salary of a faculty member in phased retirement as what his or her salary would be as a full-time faculty member. All salary increases will be added to this nominal salary following the same decisions that apply to all full-time faculty members. The actual salary while on phased retirement will be less, depending on the level of work negotiated for the period on phased retirement.
E. Work Responsibilities
During a period of phased retirement, work responsibilities will be reduced by an amount negotiated between the faculty member and the Provost.
Core teaching responsibilities will be negotiated along the following lines. For a faculty member whose normal full-time teaching load is four courses per year, the typical phased retirement arrangement will be two courses per year (potentially both in a single semester, but this needs to be part of the negotiation) for which the faculty member normally will receive 60% of his or her nominal full-time salary. This typical arrangement can be modified up or down in responsibilities in a linear way. Thus, 1 course per year normally would be compensated at 30% of the nominal full-time salary, while three courses per year normally would be compensated at 90% of the nominal full-time salary.
Normally, one would expect the level of effort expected for service and research to track that expected for teaching.
For a faculty member with a different standard full-time teaching load (e.g., a lecturer teaching six courses per year) the relationship between work expectations and pay should be similarly calculated, using the “8-unit” analysis of full-time faculty work (four units each semester; teaching one course is one unit). Thus, for a lecturer in phased retirement doing 50% work for 60% pay, we would expect three courses per year (50% of the full-time load) with commensurate reductions in service expectations. Similar linear extrapolations would provide for other possible alternatives, e.g., a lecturer in phased retirement teaching two courses per year — 33% work — normally would receive 40% of full-time pay.
F. Benefits
Faculty will be eligible for full benefits except sabbatical leave, life, and long-term disability insurance. The University’s contribution to TIAA/CREF and Social Security shall be based on actual salary paid.
The University’s contribution to the faculty member’s health insurance plan will be equal to that for full-time faculty. However, for any full-time faculty member, phased or not, if an individual is restricted by the health insurance carrier from continuing enrollment in their current health insurance plan, the University will allow its regular contribution toward another plan (e.g. the faculty member does not live in the carrier’s service area).
Continued eligibility for any health insurance plan is subject to policies and practices of the carrier.
G. Application for Participation
An eligible faculty member must apply to the Provost for participation in the phased retirement plan. The terms of each phased retirement agreement are subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of Clark University.
H. Plan Administration
The Director of Human Resources at Clark University, (508) 793-7294, is the Administrator of this plan and is responsible for performing the duties required for the operation of the plan. The Administrator may designate in writing other persons to carry out duties under the plan.
I. Plan Year
The plan year is September 1 through August 31 of each year. Records for each participant are maintained on a calendar year basis.
J. Requests for Information
Requests for information and questions concerning eligibility, participation, or other aspects of the operation of the plan should be in writing and directed to the Administrator of this plan.
K. Amendment and Termination
While it is expected that this plan will continue, the University reserves the right to modify or discontinue the plan at any time. The University may also delegate any of its powers and duties with respect to the plan, or amendments, to one or more officers or other employees of the University. Any such delegation shall be set forth in writing.
L. Statements of ERISA Rights
Participants in the Phased Retirement Plan are entitled to certain rights and protections under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). ERISA provides that all plan participants shall be entitled to:
- Examine, without charge, at the Administrator’s office, all plan documents, including all plan documents filed with the U.S. Department of Labor such as annual reports and plan descriptions.
- Obtain copies of all plan documents upon written request to the Plan Administrator. The Administrator may make a reasonable charge for the copies.
- Receive a summary of the plan’s annual ERISA report to the Internal Revenue Service. The Plan Administrator is required by law to furnish each participant with a copy of this summary annual report.
ERISA sets forth the duties of the people who are responsible for the operation of the Phased Retirement Plan. The people who operate this plan have a duty to do so prudently and in the interest of the plan participants. No one including the University, may discharge or otherwise discriminate against participants in any way to prevent them from obtaining benefits to which they are entitled.
Political Activity Guidelines
Clark University is committed to active citizenship and, as a result, encourages faculty, staff and students to exercise their right to participate as individuals in the political process, whether they are running for office, reaching out to their elected officials, or expressing their views in public or private forums. At the same time, no member of the university community should feel any institutional pressure to support a particular candidate or position.
View Full PolicyProtests and Demonstrations Policy
The right to freedom of expression at Clark includes the right to acts of peaceful dissent, nonviolent protests, and orderly demonstrations including picketing and the distribution of leaflets.
View Full Policy HereRemote Access Policy
The purpose of this policy is to state the requirements for remote access to computing resources hosted at Clark University using Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology.
View Full PolicyRemote Work and Telecommuting Policy
Clark University may provide or approve alternative work arrangements for positions that are deemed fully remote or to accommodate flexible schedules for employees through a combination of on-campus and remote presence.
View Full PolicyRetirement Party Guidelines
It is right and fitting that we have events to mark the retirement and/or departure from Clark of our friends and colleagues
View Full PolicySick Leave Donation Policy
This policy is intended to be sensitive to the fact that employees may have extended conditions or re-occurring serious illnesses that may leave them without adequate sick leave. Employees may be allowed to donate a portion of their sick time to a fellow worker using the following guidelines:
• The recipient of donated sick leave may receive a maximum total of 40 days per fiscal year from fellow employees, and must meet the following eligibility requirements:
The recipient must:
a) have an extended illness or condition, which requires an absence of more than five workdays.
The Donor of sick leave must have a minimum of 20 days of earned sick time remaining for their own use after the donation to fellow employee(s).
• All requests for sick leave donations must be sent in writing to the Chief Human Resource Officer or their designee for approval.
Smoking Policy
Clark University is a smoke-free campus. As of August 18, 2020, smoking of any kind, including any electronic nicotine-delivery system or smoking device, is prohibited for the entire campus community in or within close proximity to all facilities, Clark-owned or -leased properties, and areas occupied or controlled by the University. Read the full policy for smoking cessation resources.
Read Full PolicySolicitation Policy
Solicitation and/or distribution of materials regarding non-University sponsored programs or activities is prohibited if the solicitation results in disruption of, or interference with, the University’s educational or administrative activities. Employees may not use their positions, or the University’s facilities, letterhead, campus mail, email, or other resources for political or other purposes that are not a part of the University’s programs or functions.
Staff Parental Leave Policy
Regular full and part-time staff eligible for Family Medical Leave (FMLA), defined as having worked at Clark University for at least one year and/or a minimum of 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months, will be eligible to apply for up to eight weeks of paid parental leave.
View Full PolicyProtocol/Guidelines Standard Work Hours for Staff in Non-Exempt Positions
Clark University’s guidelines state that full-time staff holding 35 hour/week non-exempt positions are expected to work Monday through Friday, either 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and for those working 37½ hour positions, the standard work day is 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In both situations, the workday includes a one-hour unpaid lunch. Clark values the contributions of its employees and believes individuals should take advantage of this time to reenergize. Foregoing your lunch break on a regular basis is not an option.
These standard hours have been defined to provide continuity and uniformity of office coverage across the university in both academic and administrative departments and afford faculty, staff and students the ability to conduct business throughout the workday.
Employees in non-exempt positions are required by law to complete time sheets reflecting actual hours worked including the one-hour unpaid lunch beak. Time sheets are due in the Payroll office by 10 a.m. on Monday following the pay period, and should not be submitted prior to completing your work week. Time sheets are considered legal documents and the employee’s and supervisor’s signatures should reflect the accuracy and validity of the hours recorded.
While the University recognizes the need for occasional flexibility in work schedules, if a supervisor believes that regular deviations from these standard work schedules would benefit the department and the University, they should receive approval from their respective vice president in consultation with the director of Human Resources.
Remote Work and Telecommuting Policy and Form
Clark University may provide alternative work arrangements in order to help employees balance work and personal commitments, or to enhance employees’ job performance and productivity, if:
- Departmental efficiency and service are not adversely affected;
- Regular office hours to meet departmental needs are not curtailed; and
- Undue burdens are not placed on other employees or supervisors.
Alternative work arrangements may include modifications to work schedule, work location, and other arrangements that differ from the University’s and department’s usual standards and practices.
Decisions about whether to accept or approve a request for an alternative work arrangement rest solely within the leadership of each division, and each division may establish its own process for review and approval of alternative work arrangement requests. All remote arrangements when an employee is regularly working in a non-Clark workspace must receive prior review from the Office of Human Resources.
View Full PolicyTravel Policy
Clark University’s travel policy is designed to provide uniform guidelines and procedures regarding travel, and the management of related expenditures, by faculty and staff on University business. The intent of this policy is that reimbursement be fair to faculty and staff and equitable across the University, while maintaining compliance with IRS regulations.
View Full PolicyVisa and Legal Permanent Residency Sponsorship Policy and Procedures
Clark University values the expertise and talents of international scholars, international non-faculty employees and researchers and supports sponsorship of foreign nationals (FN) for both nonimmigrant and immigrant visas, as outlined in this policy. Visa sponsorships are based on the needs of the University and must qualify as a specialty occupation as defined by USCIS. The qualifying employee must have the appropriate educational and professional background.
Visa Sponsorship Eligibility Questionnaire View Full PolicyVisitors to Campus – Guidelines
Because of the potential disruption of visitors (both children and adults) who do not have University-related business, we request that employees do not have extended visits with their children, family members, or other acquaintances while on the job. In addition, for health and safety reasons, pets cannot be accommodated on campus.
Whistleblower Policy Relative to Financial Assets
This policy governs the reporting and investigation of allegations of suspected illegal or improper activities concerning the financial assets of the University, and the protection of whistleblowers from retaliation. It describes the procedures for investigating known or suspected illegal or improper activities and addressing complaints of retaliation for raising such issues.
View Full PolicyWorkplace Principles
Clark University believes that all employees are entitled to a safe workplace free from harassment, discrimination, and intimidation. The University holds dear its belief in free association, free speech, fairness in all dealings, and maintaining the dignity and respect of all who work here. The University has always been receptive to a diversity of views.
The University is committed to the following fundamental employment and labor principles:
Equal Opportunity — Clark University is firmly committed to the practice of equal employment opportunity. The University will administer its personnel policies and conduct its employment practices in a manner that treats each employee and applicants for employment and advancement on the basis of merit, experience, and other work-related criteria without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected class under relevant state and federal laws. The University is further committed to the practice of affirmative action in accordance with the law to assure the most representative applicant pool and workforce. Clark strives to increase the presence and participation of under-represented groups by its aggressive recruitment procedures to attract and hire the best-qualified applicants, and values diversity among its faculty, staff and students.
Freedom of Association/Right to Organize — The University recognizes and respects the right of workers to choose whether or not to be represented through collective bargaining. The University will abide by the terms of the National Labor Relation Act with regard to recognizing a union chosen by Clark employees. The University will bargain in good faith with union representatives in accordance with the Act. Workers must be free to make choices about union representation, or express their views, without harassment, intimidation or retaliation by management or union organizers, or supporters of either.
Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment — It is the policy of Clark University that all our faculty, staff and students should enjoy an environment free of discrimination and harassment. This policy includes, but is not limited to, harassment and/or discrimination in the following areas: age, race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, union affiliation, handicap and veteran status.
Permissible Solicitation — As stated in the University’s solicitation policy, solicitation and/or distribution of materials regarding non-University sponsored programs or activities is permitted as long as the solicitation does not result in disruption of, or interference with, the University’s educational or administrative activities. Employees have the right to conduct their work without being solicited by outside organizations.
Campus Minimum Wage — The University maintains a minimum wage and compensation policy for qualifying employees. Qualifying employees are all full-time, non-student employees of the University who have worked on the Clark University campus on a continuing basis for a minimum of two years and who are in good standing with regard to work performance. The hourly minimum wage for qualifying employees will be indexed to the Federal poverty standard for a family of four and adjusted annually in line with that standard. Based on 2016 data, the minimum wage for qualifying employees would be $11.70 an hour.
Applicability to Contractors — Contractors that have employees working on the Clark campus on a regular daily basis will be contractually bound to understand and apply these principles and the expectations that go with them to their employees working on the Clark campus. Contractors are free to use any method authorized by the National Labor Relations Board in determining whether or not to recognize a union.
Standards of Conduct — Clark employees are expected to conduct themselves as professionals and to accept responsibility for the appropriateness of their own conduct, and to exhibit a high degree of personal and professional integrity at all times. The University expects everyone to adhere to the following general principles:
- Observe the highest standards of professionalism at all times.
- Perform responsibilities in a manner consistent with our values.
- Comply with all laws applicable to the University.
- Treat others, including students, vendors, faculty and staff, with dignity and respect.
Timely and Consistent Dispute Resolution — Concerns arising from implementation of these principles are to be addressed through existing University policies and procedures, as contained in the administration, staff, and physical plant handbooks, the University Police contract, and the Faculty Handbook.
Office of Human Resources and Organizational Excellence
Geography Building
3rd Floor
950 Main Street
Worcester MA 01610
1-508-793-7294 Human Resources
1-508-793-7438 Payroll
1-508-793-8809 Fax
For Employment Verifications please email hr@360study.net.